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Thursday 17 February 2011

Legends of Isshu / unova

Pikachu (so cute )



The Legend {one of them :p}

Kibago / Axew

Pokemon names

Hey guys , here some pokemon names from the new region Isshu / Unova  i will continue to update ;p
pokemon  -  Types

Victini   psychic/fire 
Snivy   grass
Servine   grass
Serperior   grass
Tepig     fire
Pignite fire/fighting
Emboar   fire/fighting
Oshawott   water
Dewott      water
Samurott   water
Patrat    normal
Watchog   normal
Lillipup      normal
Herdier       normal
Stoutland   normal
Purrloin    dark
Liepard   dark
Pansage   grass
Simisage   grass
Pansear   fire
Simisear   fire
Panpour   water
Simipour   water
Munna   psychic               
Marshana   psychic
Pidove    normal/flying
Tranquill    normal/flying
Unfezant   normal/flying
Blitzle   electric
Zebtrika   electric
Roggenrola   rock
Boldore   rock
Gigalith   rock
Woobat   psychic/flying
Swoobat   psychic/flying
Dribur   ground
Excadrill   ground/steel
Audino   normal                                                                                               
Timburr   fight
Gurdurr   fight
Conkeldurr   fight
Tympole   water
Palpitoad   water/ground
Seismitoad   water/ground
Throh   fight
Sawk   fight
Sewaddle   bug/grass
Swadloon   bug/grass
Leavanny   bug/grass
Venipede    bug/poison
Whirilipede   bug/poison
Scolipede   bug/poison
Cottonee   grass
Whimsicott   grass
Petilil   grass
Lilligant   grass
Basculin   water
Sandile   ground/dark
Krokorok   ground/dark
Krookodile   ground/dark